Tuesday 28 September 2010

Saturday 25 September 2010


After a recent meeting with my mentor Rachel O'Neill, appointed to me by the "Creative Thirst" programme I was recently involved with she has been giving me a lot of advise especially about my portfolio. So over the last week I have been busy revisiting it and making some major changes. I still need to get a photographer to take some images of my work, but it's going in the right direction.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Design for Antrim Hospital

I have been busy over the last week putting together a proposal for a commission at Antrim Hospital. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get everything done in the time I had but here are some of the designs I was working on.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Back to Work

Time to pull up my socks and get back to work after the summer break with the kids, family and friends. The To Do List is already running away with me! Lots of ideas, projects and proposals to work on. Watch this space!

The Summers Over

The summers finally over. The Kids are finally back at school and college after what has to be the longest summer holidays ever. Maybe I will finally get some time to get back in my studio to start designing and making.